David Bean, commercial music and celebrity photographer returns to update us on his career and his new studio.
Bill Crawford, publisher of StudioLighting.net (Flickr)
Ed Hidden, exclusive IStockPhoto.com photographer (Flickr)
Theme Music:
Sean Campbell and Steve Hill (Firesickle.com)
Special Guest:
David Bean, commercial photographer.
David’s Twitter photo info/news
LightSource Episode 74 (Interview Series) [41:37 minutes]
LightSource E074 [19.1 MB]
In this episode:
Bill and Ed discuss:
- Chase Jarvis Tech – high speed flash photography
- Mac Group is on Twitter
- John Nack on Adobe Photoshop CS4 keyboard shortcuts
- Bill and Ed get interviewed on DontBoxUsIn.com
Special Guest David Bean discusses:
- His new web site design
- Updates on his career since we last spoke
- Narrowing focus and choosing a specialty
- Getting hired in commercial work
- Working with higher tier clients
- Staff – assistant/studio mate Ben Hancock
- Effects of the economy on photographers
- The death of paper
- The photographer and the role of video
- Working as a Director of Photography
- Equipment changes
- Canon EOS 1D Mark III in natural light situations
- Alien Bees, Profoto and Elinchrom lighting gear
- Using beauty dishes
- Using silks for diffusion
- Choosing backgrounds
- His new studio space
- Lighting with skylights
- Go Behind the Shoot web site coming soon
- Markovisual