Photo Contest 1

Official Contest Rules

  1. The photo must be a portrait and will be judged by the following criteria:
    1. Lighting quality (well, duh!)
    2. Exposure control and white balance
    3. Use of aperture/shutter speed as creative tools
    4. Posing, composition and attention to detail
  2. While available light may be used for accent, a key light (flash or tungsten) must be used.
  3. The deadline for entries is midnight EST July 15th, 2006. Winners will be announced on the air during our August 1 LightSource podcast.
  4. The photo must be taken by the entrant
  5. Photos must have been taken during 2006
  6. Entrants may only submit one photo for judging
  7. No major manipulation should be done to the photo. Cropping, color and contrast adjustments are acceptable
  8. Winners will be contacted by email or flickrmail and asked to send a mailing address to for processing

Photos thought to be outside of the above criteria may be removed from consideration without the entrant being notified.

How to Enter:

Photos must be submitted to the LightSource group and tagged with the ‘slnetcontest001‘ tag to be considered. If you do not have a account, submissions may be emailed to Emailed photos will be posted to using the LightSource_podcast user account.

What can you win?

Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 photos as selected by Christopher Grey and the staff.

The prizes are as follows: Phot0 Contest 001 - First Prize

A full collection of Shootsmarter DVDs – every DVD in the catalogue: Photo Contest 001 - Second Prize

Shootsmarter DVDs – “Digital Portrait Lighting Level 3 with Christopher Grey” plus “Digital Exposure Control” Photo Contest 001 - Third Prize

Shootsmarter DVD – “Digital Portrait Lighting Level 3 with Christopher Grey”

Visit this page to see the photos being submitted and announcements regarding the winners.

Below is a slide show of photos that have been submitted to the contest so far:

July 15, 2006 Update: The results are in! Click here to see the winners.