Welcome to LightSource Shorts – our new series of photo assignments.
Assignment LSS001 topic: “Sayings”
Pick a saying that you appeals to you and try to visualize it in a single image.
– We are looking for conceptual images (no “Snapshots”)
– Be creative with light, composition or even compositing (if you are handy with Photoshop)
– Images have to be taken after March 15th, 2008
– This assignments deadline: April 10th, 2008
How to submit:
We will be taking submissions to the assignment in our LightSource Flickr Group photo pool:
1) Upload your image to your flickr account (please submit only one image)
2) Tag your image with the following 3 tags:
3) Use the image description to describe your chosen saying
“off the beaten Track”
4) Add your image to the LightSource flickr group pool
Once the deadline has passed, we will be creating a gallery of the images and posting it here. We will also select several images to include in the video for the next assignment.
Please feel free to discuss this assignment in the LightSource flickr group here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/lightsource