Top 10 Cameras Used by Flickr Members

When shopping for a new digital camera it is often difficult to decide which brand and model is the best. One way to find information is to ask friends and colleagues in order to benefit from their experiences. Alternatively, you can go online and read some of the many reviews posted on the net.

If you what to know what the majority of people use to get that perfect shot, the following list is the top 10 cameras used by members of Flickr, the world largest online photosharing community:

  • 1. Nikon D50
  • 2. Nikon D70
  • 3. Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT
  • 4. Canon EOS 20D
  • 5. Canon EOS 350D Digital
  • 6. Nikon D70s
  • 7. Sony Cybershot
  • 8. Canon Powershot S2 IS
  • 9. Canon EOS Digital Rebel
  • 10. Nikon D200

The top 100 can be found at:

The list is updated weekly.

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