Photographic Solutions, Inc. (PSI) is offering two new Digital Survival Kits to make sensor cleaning a whole lot easier. The kits, which cost $20, come in reusable nylon zippered pouches containing four Sensor Swabs, a half-ounce (15mL) container of either Eclipse or E2 Optic Cleaner fluid, a 10 sheet pack of lint free cleaning wipes, and an e-WIPE packet (for emergency lens cleaning).
The other Digital Survival Kit contains E2 fluid (rather than Eclipse) for those cameras that require E2, such as Sony’s Alpha 100.
PSI co-invented the Swabs with Eastman Kodak in 1998 and since then, most of the camera manufacturers have recommended this cleaning system as the only approved way to clean the camera. These include Kodak, Fuji, Betterlight, Megavision, Phase One, and Sony among others.