Phanfare Now Uploads Photos Directly from Camera to Web

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Phanfare subscribers can now upload their photos directly from their camera to the Web. And even if they’re offline, users can still manage their photos without an Internet connection.

These are just two of the new enhancements introduced by Phanfare to simplify the process of uploading videos and photos to customers’ personal Phanfare Web sites.

With the Phanfare update, customers only need to connect their digital camera to their PC or insert their memory card into their card reader to begin the new import wizard which automatically launches the Phanfare desktop application and uploads their videos and images to their Phanfare Web site.

Subscribers can also work with their photos even without an Internet connection. In a process called “background uploading,” users can begin uploading photos and videos and edit their images and write captions while offline; when they connect again to the Internet, the application will automatically update these changes on their own customized Phanfare Web sites.

Phanfare is a subscription-based ad-free photo-sharing site.


Published by Chris Malinao

Chris teaches Lightroom as workflow software to photography students at the FPPF, Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation. He also teaches smartphone photography.