In this edition of LightSource, Bill and Ed talk with music and celebrity photographer David Bean.
Bill Crawford, publisher of (Flickr)
Ed Hidden, exclusive photographer (Flickr)
Theme Music:
Sean Campbell and Steve Hill (
Special Guest:
David Bean, music and celebrity photographer.
LightSource Episode 42 (Interview Series) [60:02 minutes]
LightSource E051 [28.4 MB]
In this episode:
Bill and Ed discuss:
- Is a light meter neccesary?
- Book reviews on
- “cyc” (cyclorama) walls
- Building a cyc wall
- Ed hits the Austin Istockalypse
Special Guest David Bean discusses:
- Teaching himself photography
- Design rules and photography
- Creating tension with dirty backgrounds
- Choosing a location
- Shooting for the subject, not your ego
- Getting to know your subject
- Music on the set
- Series work and beard photography []
- Canon camera gear
- Lighting equipment, white lightning, pro-photo and alien bees
- Home made lighting equipment
- Home made sets
- Most used equipment
- Newton bracket and Gary Fong lightsphere
- A softbox and a beauty dish
- Group lighting setups
- His post processing approach
- His work flow and software
- Shooting at the X Games
- Photographing Niki Taylor
- Timing and rhythm
- Concert photography
- Favorite lenses
- The assistants wanted and pro corner Flickr groups
- Innovatronix Tronix Explorer and Rob Galbraith review
- Advice for beginning photographers