In this episode, Bill and Ed talk with commercial photographer’s assistant Dylan Borgman. Dylan talks about being a professional assistant in a digital industry.


Bill Crawford, publisher of (Flickr)
Ed Hidden, exclusive photographer (Flickr)

Special Guest:

Dylan Borgman, commercial photographer’s assistant.

Dylan Borgman

Dylan is a professional photographer’s assistant and a digital technician from Los Angeles.

Dylan Borgman Photos

View Dylan’s web site at:

View Dylan’s blog at:

LightSource Episode 27 (Interview Series) [47:02 minutes]



LightSource E027 [21.5 MB]Download this episode

In this episode:

Bill and Ed discuss:

Special Guest Dylan Borgman discusses:

  • Getting started in photography
  • Getting work as an assistant
  • A photographers assistant portfolio
  • What makes a good assistant
  • What’s in an assistants bag
  • Working on the The Legacy Photoproject

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