Here’s an even smaller Little Disk from LaCie, a product of its collaboration with Samsung to produce a tiny 1.3-inch hard disk drive. Designed by Sam Hecht, the Little Disk is now available in 30GB or 40GB versions; the Samsung disk inside, LaCie style outside.
The Samsung 1.3-inch drive was designed to be the most efficient use of capacity per volume, while its size is equal to that of Compact Flash II cards. The development of such technology allowed LaCie to overcome current size limitations and to achieve innovative design with massive storage capacities for pocket-sized devices.
At the same time, both companies have also collaborated to update the LaCie USB Key Max, a credit card-sized storage device designed for mobility using the new 1.3-inch Samsung disk.
The LaCie Little Disk and USB Key Max are now available starting at $120 and $110, respectively.