IPTC Releases New Standards for Sports Data, Photography


The IPTC (International Press Telecommunications Council) has approved SportsML-G2, a new version of the group’s popular mark-up language for sports statistics used by newspapers, news web sites, sports teams and web sites that cater to fans.

At the same time, the IPTC also approved Photo Metadata Standard 2008, a major expansion of IPTC’s photos metadata suite. Widely used by professional photographers worldwide, IPTC’s photo metadata now includes expanded descriptive data in a more structured environment, making automated processing of photos easier, cheaper and more reliable.

The London-based IPTC currently has 70 members that include news publishers and news-related software vendors. Full meetings are held three times each year, with smaller working meetings scheduled as needed.

[Via: IPTC.org]

Published by Chris Malinao

Chris teaches Lightroom as workflow software to photography students at the FPPF, Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation. He also teaches smartphone photography.