Commercial and Fine Art Portrait photographer Mark Robert Halper returns to discuss his current work with Bill and Ed.
Bill Crawford, publisher of (Flickr)
Ed Hidden, exclusive photographer (Flickr)
Theme Music:
Sean Campbell and Steve Hill (
Special Guest:
Mark Robert Halper, photographer
LightSource Episode 87 (Interview Series) [55:50 minutes]
LightSource E087 [25.6 MB]
In this episode:
Bill and Ed discuss:
- Jeremy Cowarts
- Chase Jarvis launches The Best Camera
- Lighting Deals through twitter @ LightingDeals
- Follow Lightingdeals and have a chance to win free account
- Ed continues to use SquareSpace
Special Guest Mark Robert Halper discusses:
- Mark shifts to launch a new business for Fine Art Portrait photography
- Dual brands on the website
- New workshop for commercial photographers transitioning to consumer
- Lessons about family portraiture
- Pricing art
- Challenge of staying fresh in portraiture
- Importance of personal projects
- Mark’s Wine project
- Removal of color and timelessness
- New perspective on business
- Innovating rather than imitating
- Bringing your passion
- The problem with convergence
- Advice for emerging visual artists