Digital Photo Frames are Slick, But Too Complicated

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A Chicago Tribune article describes digital photo frames as slick but needlessly complicated.

“Did you ever think you would have a picture frame that comes with a remote control? Or that the remote would have 28 buttons?” wrote Eric Benderoff. He said these digital frames hold plenty of promise and are a great way to showcase photos that otherwise remain unseen on a computer or buried deep in a photo album, but they lack the simplicity of sliding a printed photo into a standard 4-by-6 frame.

Benderoff pointed out though that there was a lot to like about two 8-inch DPF, Pandigital and Digital Foci Image Moments, that he has been testing. Both showed great-looking photos. But he complains about other features like setting the clock right and the USB connection which sometimes fail to recognize the digital frame.


Published by Chris Malinao

Chris teaches Lightroom as workflow software to photography students at the FPPF, Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation. He also teaches smartphone photography.