Digital Film Tools promises a better masking process with the release of its own EZ Mask software.
DFT said EZ Mask v1.0 makes masking a breeze even if you’re dealing with fine hair detail, wisp of smoke, or reflections. (4noobs, masking is the digital imaging process of selecting an image object to isolate or extract it so you can spruce it up or butcher it.)
EZ Mask works on both 8- and 16-bit images but also takes full advantage of the speed realized by the new multi-processor or dual core machines. DFT said to work this masking magic, EZ Mask iteratively estimates the transparency value for every pixel in the image, based on a small sample of foreground (what you want to cut out) and background pixels marked by simple strokes on the image.
It added that their method is more efficient and requires minimal effort to extract high quality masks for foregrounds with significant semi-transparent regions.