Kubota Image Tools has embarked on a scholarship program that will allow talented professional photographers and serious enthusiasts to attend Kevin Kubota’s Digital Photography Bootcamp in Rock Springs Guest Ranch in Bend, OR.
The Digital Photography Bootcamp scholarship includes full program fee plus lodging and all meals (a $2,195 value).
The Kubota Digital Photography Bootcamp is a 5-day workshop for professional photographers designed to teach technical know-how to run a successful digital portrait/wedding studio; at the same time, it encourages continued development of a photographer’s unique style and creativity.
The new scholarship entitles the qualified applicant to attend the sold-out October 2007 Bootcamp which has already reserved one scholarship space for him/her.
To apply, photographers can e-mail Kubota Image Tools at kecia@kubotaimagetools.com with a one-page letter explaining why they should be considered for the scholarship. A description of any charity work that they currently do (whether utilizing photographic skills or not) should be included. Submissions must also include a portfolio of 20 image samples. Image file size should be no larger than 750×750 at 72dpi.
[Site: KubotaImageTools.com]