Kenko has launched its International Filter Photo Contest 2008/2009, open to anyone who has taken a photograph using any type of filter. Entries are not restricted to using Kenko or Hoya filters. If you use filters from other manufacturers, that will be fine too. Images can be of any subject and taken on digital or film cameras, black and white or color.
Top prize is ¥500,000, about $5600 worth of Kenko products (that’s a lot of filters!). Kenko’s other products include light meters and lens adapters, and the Kenko group of companies include Kenko, Slik tripods and Hoya filters. Total prize to be given away is worth ¥2.9 million or about $32,700.
Deadline for submission of entries is on December 31, 2009 and winners will be notified by the middle of March 2010.