Datacolor has a new product – the SpyderCube – a multi-function calibration tool billed by the company as the first all-in-one RAW calibration device for fast and accurate whitepoint correction as well as bracketed adjustments for highlights and blacks.
Throw away your flat gray cards! Datacolor says each feature of the SpyderCube is designed to provide a unique solution to RAW adjustment needs, yet work together to produce precise white balance and overall image adjustment when shooting in RAW.
For example, the White face of SpyderCube helps define highlights in relation to the catch-light; the Gray face measures color temperature and mid-tone response; the Black face defines shadows in relations to the Black Trap; and the Black Trap defines absolute black.
Datacolor’s SpyderCube will have a suggested list price of $59 when it comes out later this month.
[Site: Datacolor]