Prince of Cheap here again! Lets take a break from cheapness for a split second. Times up! (The lesson is free!) This post will give you some tips on analyzing images in order to recreate them. For example the image below was shown for my free workshop, Monster Lighting Tactics. (Look for the next one!) …
Category Archives: Studio Lighting On The Cheap
DIY Boom Arm Reflector Holder
Fastening items to booms and stands is one of the most often and many times, most vital part of any studio. Reflector holders available on eBay typically consist of a ‘baby’ boom and some sort of clamping device to hold a reflector. Some include a knuckle to hold the boom to a stand and some …
10 Pieces of Lighting Equipment for Under 60 Dollars
Once again, the Prince of Cheap is here to save you from the dollar! The following is a list of studio lighting items that will help you save dollars and help you grab some quick and effective lighting that will allow to you create better photographs! #1) The first one is my all time favorite: the Light …
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DIY C-Stand Light Stand from Steel Pipe
C-Stands or Century Stands are a staple of just about any photo studio. These heavy duty light stands are more stable and able to support more weight than the usual tripod type light stand. Of course, this also means that they cost much more than light weight tripod type light stands. The following project explains …
Homemade Fluorescent Bulb Ring Light
Here’s a variation to the ringlight project of Joseph Holst which used plywood and a set of 8 incandescent bulbs to make the ring. Robert Starr from Australia shares with us his own version of the project using one circular fluorescent bulb instead of the 8 incandescents to provide a continuous ring of light reflected …
Homemade Diffusion Panel Instructions
A diffusion panel is a translucent material that filters harsh light from a hard source to create soft and even illumination. It is used to soften the effect of strobes, studio lights or sunlight so that light falling onto your subject becomes smooth and soft, gently wrapping around the contours of a person’s face instead …
Studio Quality High Key Lighting without the Studio!
I call the sun my outdoor studio because it offers unlimited backgrounds, unlimited lighting patterns and near unlimited possibilities! I love it! This article will show you a great way to get the high key studio look using the sun as your light source. The tools needed: A camera which allows you to manually control …
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Butterfly Lighting on a Budget
This tutorial only requires one light! Hey here’s one for the ages! For some time I’ve wanted to own a beauty dish. While searching the web I found that the most respected beauty dish seems to be the Mola brand. However, when I went to the web site I was shocked by the price ( …
Homemade Light Box for Product Photography
The object of product photography is to show details of an object clearly. Lighting an object well brings out details and provides pleasing highlights. One method for uniformly lighting small objects is to surround the object in a light box. The following article describes the process for making your own lightbox for small object photography. …
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Homemade Ring Light Using Plywood
Ring lights are essentially round assemblies holding a light source, or multiple light sources, which encircle the camera lens. Small ring lights are used in macro photography for lighting objects very close to the lens. A large ring light, however, provides even, shadowless front lighting for a look that is common in fashion and glamour …