O’Reilly today released The Canon EOS Digital Rebel T1i/500D Companion by Ben Long, a one-stop digital photography guide for users of this camera.
Although the Canon EOS Digital Rebel T1i/500D comes with a manual, Long explains why you need this book to get the most out of your camera. “Knowing what each button on your camera does won’t necessarily mean you can shoot great pictures. Personally, I know the basic concept of a paintbrush, but I can’t paint a decent painting to save my life. To use a creative tool well, you must understand both the technique and the craft of the tool, as well as have some sense of artistry when you use it.”
Rather than just showing you what all the buttons do, this new book teaches you how to use the Digital Rebel’s features to make great photographs–including professional-looking images of people, landscapes, action shots, close-ups, night shots, HD video, and more, Long said.
[Site: O’Reilly]