Photo and video-sharing site Photobucket has launched Group Albums, a new way to create and share photos and video collections by providing multiple users with a way to store, share and view digital media in one convenient profile. Sony is the exclusive launch sponsor of the Photobucket Group Albums feature.
“Somehow with all the convenience of digital photos, it still proved complicated for people to share photos and video of a single event in one place, so we made it our goal to fix that,†said Alex Welch, president, Photobucket.
After creating a Group Album on the Photobucket site, Group Album owners can invite other members and choose whether to password-protect the albums, as well as having the option to moderate each group if desired. Owners can also give Group Albums easy-to-remember “vanity†URLs.
Members of Group Albums can transfer photos, images and videos from their other Photobucket albums, from Web URLs and from their camera’s Flash memory or computer’s hard drive. As with all Photobucket content, media in Group Albums can be posted on blogs, social networking profiles and all kinds of Web sites. Users can also share Group Albums content by sending links in email or instant messages.