Photoshop CS3 RAW by Mikkel Aaland is off the press and is now available from O’Reilly.
The new book focuses on the important features of Adobe Photoshop CS3, including Camera Raw’s new retouching tools, expanded controls, and ramped up sharpening features. Aaland also explains how to use Camera Raw in conjunction with Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Bridge 2.0 to capture, organize, and optimize RAW images so you can produce the best possible digital photographs.
With a personal teaching style that illuminates and inspires, Aaland offers easy-to-follow visual instructions to demonstrate how RAW data gives you greater flexibility and control during the editing process. You learn which tools to use for each phase of your workflow, from managing shoots to perfecting photos. Once you apply these techniques to your own work, you’ll understand why so many professionals turn to the Camera RAW plug-in — and to Photoshop CS3 RAW as their guide.
Photoshop CS3 RAW by Mikkel Aaland may be ordered online for $34.99 or £20.95