Barbara Brundage’s day job is playing the harp and she’s quite good at it, but of late she has become some sort of an authority on Photoshop Elements, a popular photo editing program.
How did it happen? Barbara says she’s just a lowly musician, “but if I can learn Elements anyone can.â€
A few years back in 2001, Barbara chose Elements to create graphics for her new website and promo materials. She soon discovered the nifty software also made arranging and publishing her harp music a whole lot easier. Then she got hooked on digital photography and relied on Elements to improve and organize her images.
“Fortunately, the folks at Missing Manuals know that sometimes it’s easier for someone who isn’t from a technical background to explain things to people who don’t have a lot of technical knowledge,†says Barbara about her road to authorship.
Her latest book, Photoshop Elements 6: The Missing Manual (O’Reilly, $40), is now off the press, providing guidance to scrapbookers, photographers at every level, budding graphic artists – anyone who wants to get the most out of the latest Elements upgrade.
[Site: O’]