Version 4 of the software for the Spyder3 Elite is now available for download for users of the Datacolor colorimeter. The company says the new software is feature enriched, designed for the way photographers work, bringing a new level of color control to imaging.
“This powerful solution provides photographers with the tools to trust the on-screen colors, offering reliability and consistency on their LCD’s, laptops, and projectors,†according to a Datacolor press release.
The Spyder3 Elite 4.0 upgrade is $19 to download. Features include:
• New Workflow Features make it easier to find and use advanced controls.
• Software Brightness Control allows owners of iMac and other displays with limited controls to work with displays in a more desirable, dimmer environment, and match them to other displays.
• Automated Brightness Adjustment on Apple Cinema Displays, iMacs, MacBooks and PowerBooks screens are now automatically adjusted by the Spyder software.
[Site: Datacolor]