Olympus is again calling for entries to their 2009 Bioscapes Digital Imaging Competition. The first prize winner gets to choose $5,000 worth of Olympus microscope or camera equipment while 9 other winners will also receive valuable prizes from Olympus, and many more will receive recognition as honorable mentions.
For the 2008 Bioscapes contest, the top prize was awarded to Mr. M. I. “Spike†Walker of Staffordshire, England for his flawless photo of a wasp, a fairy fly 0.21mm long, much smaller than a tiny red ant. The eerily glowing wasp, captured in exquisite detail, reveals the extraordinary delicacy, balance, beauty, and numerous colors in the diminutive creature.
Deadline for submission of entries to the 2009 Bioscapes Digital Imaging competition is September 30, 2009.
[Site: Olympus Bioscapes]