The book Real World Camera Raw with Adobe Photoshop by the late Bruce Fraser and Jeff Schewe is now off the press and available for $40.49.
Jeff, who’s had a hand in building up Camera Raw, updates Fraser’s best-selling book with inside knowledge of how new features let photographers optimize and convert images for the best results in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
Camera Raw is a free plug-in that comes with Photoshop. It provides access to the raw image formats produced by many leading professional and midrange digital cameras.
The new book also teaches how to use the latest version of Adobe Bridge to manage the thousands of images—and gigabytes of data—that result from raw shooting.
And from there, Jeff takes you to a level of understanding with Photoshop Lightroom, Adobe’s photographic workflow application. The whole caboodle seems to be Adobe Bridge + Camera Raw + Lightroom + Photoshop (+ 1000 plug-ins) = photo.
I have a feeling someone’s going to simplify this one day.
[Sites:,, RWCR CS3]