In three words: greater dynamic range.
And the secret? Its 22-bit analog-to-digital converter. While all of the competition limit themselves to 12 or 14 bits – which presumably are good enough – the Pentax K10D goes the extra distance with its 22 bits. What this hopes to do is deliver truer color tones with richer and smoother color gradations, particularly useful in shadow areas of the object scene. Using 22 bits is like having a deeper bench in a basketball game, or more neighbors in a bayanihan, or more soldiers to find Osama (but that’s another story…).
But really, we have to wait till after November – when the K10D will hit store shelves and be in more consumer hands – to find out for sure if the 22-bit A/D converter will make a difference. Add these to the K10D’s features: waterproof with its 72 seals to keep out moisture and dust, 11-point AF system, ISO 100-1600, Shake Reduction, Dust Removal, in-camera RAW support, 2.5-inch LCD, and you’d think the DSLR field is nearing perfection.
But if you can’t wait to see how a K10D photograph looks like, there are already sample shots out there at for your perusal. Be seduced.