The Impending Extinction of the Bridge Camera

In an article entitled “The Death of the Bridge Camera” PhotographyBLOG is reporting today on the slow but inevitable extinction of “bridge cameras,” mid-level cameras that bridge the gap between smaller compact digital cameras and larger digital SLR cameras.

Over 90 new digital cameras were announced for 2006 at the PMA show in Orlando, Florida. Only Kodak, Panasonic and Sony announced new models that fall into the category of “bridge” cameras. This is because none of these companies have a DSLR camera on their line. Other companies that have a strong DSLR line-up have removed bridge cameras from their 2006 range. Canon and Olympus have discontinued their bridge cameras in favor of compact digicams or more advanced DSLRs.

For the consumer, if the current trend continues, it will lead to less choice, especially if Sony and Panasonic phase out their bridge camera ranges. In a few years you may be able to buy either a compact digital camera, or a DLSR, with no in-between. A major change is happening, one that isn’t being driven by the people; the companies have simply decided that they will make more money with no in-between option.

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