New from O’Reilly is a book by Katrin Eismann and Sean Duggan, The Creative Digital Darkroom. More than just a tutorial, the book takes on the creative path and teaches photographers how to sculpt with light and contrast and listen to their images.
The authors are two fine art practitioners; Katrin is an accomplished photographer and educator who chairs the Masters of Professional Studies in Digital Photography at the School of Visual Arts in New York City, and Sean is an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert with extensive experience in both the traditional and digital darkroom.
Beyond quick tips and gimmicky effects, the authors illustrate the lessons with high-profile work, including their own, and take the photographer on the high road to creativity.
While their new book offers plenty of up-to-the-minute, in-depth, hands-on instruction in digital darkroom techniques covering a wide range of topics, Katrin and Sean also share their thoughts about photographic concepts. Readers learn how to look at the image and listen to it. They discover how changes to the delicate matrix of light and shadow tones can transform the mood and meaning of a photo. They find out how to sculpt with light and contrast. And readers discover how to imagine color and tonal changes that best express their visions for the photographs.
[Via: O’]