Inpaint from Teorex removes undesirable objects from digital photos by analyzing the selection and filling it with pixels that match the surrounding area. Sounds like Photoshop’s Clone tool?
Maybe yes. But Teorex says it’s more than that. They say Inpaint allows users to seamlessly remove objects from a background, and that could be good for removing objects and people that got caught in the frame inadvertently.
Scratches, noise and all kinds of objects that do not belong to the photo or spoil the composition may easily be removed with Inpaint. You don’t have to be a master digital photo editor to use it. You just select the object to be removed, define the area to be used for generating the texture and click the Inpaint — Run command! At least, that’s the promise.
Inpaint Personal edition is just $40 while the Business edition will cost you $100.
[Site: Teorex]