This not really a product endorsement, but the novelty of this gadget catches our fancy we just have to mention it.
This is the 1.3-megapixel Spy Camera Sunglasses from It’s available for $100. The built-in camera captures photos at 1280×1024 resolution, enough to fill the whole area of a 17-inch monitor.
It has 1GB of memory built right in, so you won’t need an SD card for additional storage. This pair of sunglasses also plays MP3 music, it has embedded ear buds for playback.
It comes with a remote control for taking pictures discreetly; the remote has control buttons for Vol +/-, Fwd, Rwd, Play, Pause, Capture.
A camera that’s ready to take a picture anytime, that’s what’s appealing here for photographers. Of course, the sunglasses really function as sunglasses, protecting you from UV rays on hot summer days.