Sanyo Launches Xacti CG65 Camcorder for Movies On The Go

Sanyo Xacti CG65 Camcorder

The Sanyo Xacti CG65 digital camcorder is designed for “effortless portability” with its 169g petite frame that fits easily in the pocket. It shoots MPEG4/H.264 movies, about 80 minutes worth of video on a 1GB SD card, a bit longer now than previous camcorder because of the new standard.

Sanyo says the CG65 can also shoot high-resolution 6-megapixel stills while shooting TV-quality movies without having to switch modes.

And since movie and audio data are stored in the same file, it’s easy to drag and drop files onto your PC. You can then share your movies with the on-line world on a movie blog or via a social networking service such as MySpace or YouTube.

The Xacti CG65 also features what Sanyo calls “advanced nine-pixel mixture” technology, which supposedly enables you to shoot beautiful, clear images with reduced noise.


Published by Chris Malinao

Chris teaches Lightroom as workflow software to photography students at the FPPF, Federation of Philippine Photographers Foundation. He also teaches smartphone photography.