Photology is new software that helps you find a particular photo fast. You don’t have to tag your photos with keywords – because you won’t have time for that if you have thousands of pictures in your hard drive – Photology simply examines the photos on your computer and identifies a number of real-world features, such as faces, sky, color, location and time of day.
For example, if you want to find that photo of yourself wearing a pink silk jacket, sitting by a statue of a general in a park, some time last year, Photology won’t ask you why you were wearing a pink silk jacket; it just goes to work and searches for all the photos with the color pink, taken outside and taken last year, whatever details you might remember.
Photology is made by a team of five scientists and engineers who assures us that it is a very easy tool to use despite the enormous complexity of the algorithms behind the program.
The product caters to anyone with a digital camera – from point-and-shooters, to amateur photographers (who think they could be pros) to avid scrapbookers – all who have thousands of digital photos jumbled up in their computers.
It is available online for $39 from Enoetic, LLC, a technology company based in Tempe, Arizona.