The public may now vote for their favorite images in the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition. For the first time, the organizers have opened voting to the public in the 34-year-old photo contest, which is under the aegis of Nikon Instruments, Inc., a Nikon subsidiary based in Melville NY.
Nikon Small World recognizes the beauty of photography from science and industry taken under the light microscope.
This year’s competition garnered more than 1,500 micrographs from all over the world, covering subjects ranging from chemical compounds to close-ups of biological specimens.
Photo: Dr. Paul Appleton, 1st Place 2006 Nikon Small World
The judges have selected 100 top shots from these images from which the public will vote on their favorites by logging on to Voting will be open from today until September 30, 2007.
The popular winning image will be recognized alongside the images chosen by Nikon Instruments’ panel of judges.
Winning images will be announced on October 4, 2007 at the Explorer’s Club in New York City, including the most popular. Top images will also be exhibited in a full-color calendar and through a national museum tour.