Nik Software is now shipping Viveza 2. This latest upgrade to the photo editing software includes new global adjustments and precise selective color and light control, according to the company.
Viveza 2 touts its patented U Point technology, billed as the most powerful and precise tool available to globally and selectively control light and color in photographs. With U Point technology, users can quickly select areas of an image to adjust by pointing and clicking and then using simple to use mouse-controlled sliders to adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, structure, shadows, red, green, blue, hue, and warmth in a fraction of the time needed by other tools.
“It’s simply faster, easier, and more powerful than anything I’ve got in my own bag of tricks, which is why Viveza 2 is my new tool for making fast, accurate selections,†said Scott Kelby, editor of Photoshop User magazine and author of The Digital Photography Book, Volumes 1-3.
[Site: Nik Software]