How much can you learn about lighting in about 3 hours?
How about how to get stellar light with a less than stellar budget (my favorite topic), diffusion, aperture, shutter, how to build light panels, scrims, diffusion, the “Inverse Square” Law, photograph 2 live models, build cheap reflector boards, beat the 12 O’clock sun, hard light, soft light, falloff, feathering, distance – size relationship, bounce lighting, how to use an incident meter, ebay wireless transmitters, el cheapo Britek strobes, softboxes, umbrellas, how to use a brolly box, simple 1 light setups, 2 light setups, glamor lighting and more!? How about getting a free workshop booklet that covers most of the information from a FREE workshop!
Here’s some of the phenomenal images that workshop participants and myself created at the workshop!
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Workshop exercises were; (A) studio light with 1 light and a reflector. (B) Natural Light with diffusion, (C) natural light without a diffuser, and (D) studio lighting with 1 light and 1 reflector (ratios)! All “on the cheap”!
Images by Calvin Borden: Canon Digital Rebel Xt
(A) (B) (C)
(A) My mug showing a participant how to get in under his glamor light! (B & C) Results
Images by Hernan Rodriguez: Canon 5D
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
(A) Makeup fun! (B) Classic Model Staredown! (C) En Vogue! (D) More Makeup Play! Workshop exercise here; cheap Butterfly lighting with a ($29) 32″ Alien Bees BrollyBox, ($75) a Britek flash, and a ($42) 42″ Ebay 5n1 Reflector.
Images by Stephanie Cunningham (Studio Owner/ Workshop Hostess): Canon 20D
Images by: David Griffin, A.K.A. The Prince of Cheap: Sony Alpha A100