Ladies and Gentlemen!Once again its coming!
Sunday, March 30th, 2008, one of the coolest – deepest photography workshop in Southern California… Monster Lighting Tactics II!
The last time this workshop was held we covered glamour light, Rembrandt light, soft light, hard light, D.I.Y. solutions, featured a live model and more!!! This time we’ve added gels, smoke, natural light and YES MIXING FLASH WITH NATURAL LIGHT! Get ready to be blown away! If your looking for the knowledge to be able to create: beautiful, inspirational, sellable images that set you apart from ”The Amateur” photographer… YOU CAN STOP LOOKING… THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR!
Get ready for hands on, theory, Q&A (your 3 most important lighting questions answered!), LIVE MODEL(S), a live D.I.Y. project and more! This is what you have been looking for! This is the jump start you have always needed to refine and polish your photography and begin to go to the next level!
Come out as David Griffin a.k.a. “The Prince of Cheap” (show contributor of STUDIOLIGHTING.NET) shows you how to get awesome lighting results on a shoestring budget! BEST OF ALL… ITS only $50 to register for this amazing 5hr workshop! Best of all the first 5 people to register will receive a free copy of the P.O.C. workshop mini binder (this binder contains excerpts of the upcoming book by David Griffin, “Monster Lighting Tactics For The BROKE Photographer!”
See the official announcement below! Register fast though… seating is limited! Hurry!