Genuine Fractals by onOne Software is the Photoshop plug-in to use when you want to blow up images to print in large formats. It doesn’t invent details that are not there in the first place, but its clever math is able to maintain sharp edges to lines and curves and come up with images that are genuinely sharp. Genuine Fractals claims to be able to scale images up to 800%.
Version 5 of the software will come out in the spring of 2007, says onOne, but you don’t have to wait that long to use its capability. You can buy Genuine Fractals 4.1 or Genuine Fractals Print Pro 4.1 now and still be entitled to a free upgrade to version 5 later.
Genuine Fractals 5 offers several new improvements. It sports a new user interface and will be fully compatible with Photoshop CS3; it has also been rewritten as a Universal Binary to be able to run fast with both PowerPC and Intel–based Macintosh computers.