Fujifilm unveiled its FinePix S5 Pro digital SLR camera at the Photokina last September while it was still a work in progress. Well, today the company released updated specifications of the S5 Pro which shows that indeed, the camera is still a work in progress. Fuji, though prefers to say that these are now their full specifications.
But the updated specs, while mostly minor, show promise. For instance, the buffer capacity and maximum shooting cycle have been bumped up, and it now specifies three-mode TTL exposure metering. It also adds in-between ISO settings within the same 100-3200 range. The complete details of the new specs are listed on DPreview’s link here.
It retains the major specifications, though. As announced, the S5 Pro DSLR will feature a double pixel technology: 6.17 million ‘S photodiodes’ (normal DR) and 6.17 million ‘R photodiodes’ (highlight DR) for a total photodiode count of 12.34 million. So, is this a 6-megapixel camera, or a 12-megapixel camera? Fuji’s marketing people seem not keen to join that debate, but they point out that this technology will give more detail in highlights and shadows, and their target market for the S5 Pro are professionals in the portrait and wedding photography niche. Target date is maybe February 2007. Target price: $2000.
OK, take your time, Fuji. We’ll wait. Meanwhile, Nikon and Canon professional cameras are gobbling up the whole market.
[Via: DPreview.com]