I didn’t know that you can actually create and view 3D photos without special equipment until I came across this post. Here’s a fun post that describes how to do just that – create your very own 3D images using only your camera and view the images in 3D using only your eyes, no equipment needed!
The effect reminds us of the View Master 3D toy we used as children (they’re still around these days), the image pops out of the page or the monitor screen like a three-dimensional picture, very much like viewing it on View Master. Awesome.
The trick is simple and taking the photos is described fully in Neil Creek’s blog; it just takes a little practice to perfect it. Viewing the images uses the cross-eyed technique, and while you may still see the right and left source images on your peripheral vision, the center image is perfectly three-dimensional. Warning: this could pose a real danger to the eyes of a very small percentage of people. But for 99% of us with normal vision, it’s a piece of cake and a delight to try.
Try looking at the images above with the cross-eyed technique; you’ll see it pop out of the screen if you get it right. To take photos like that, read Neil’s post.
[Via: Neil Creek]