Corel’s Paint Shop Pro Photo XI has been updated to extend support for camera RAW formats, including a significant improvement in the quality of imported raw images, enhanced support for IPTC metadata, and support for additional camera models such as the Nikon D200, Sony DSC-F828, and Sony DSC-V3. The update is available for free download from the Corel website.
The free update also features better performance in many areas of the program, especially in the organizer and thumbnail generation features.
Corel said other key improvements include metadata support for video files, support for context menu items in the History Palette, and new modes for the Magic Wand and Flood Fill tools that make use of the new Color Changer Tool selection technology. Many issues have been fixed including saving 16-bit images as TIFF files, support for transparency when saving PNG files, retention of EXIF data when files are duplicated, and problems moving floating text.