Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2, a very capable alternative to Photoshop CS3, is now available for $90. It’s the digital darkroom for the smart money.
According to TheInquirer.Net, “Adobe Photoshop runs in at nearly six times the cost, with six times the complication and with most features balancing out. If you’re not six times the idiot, you’ll know which product to go for.”
Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2 (I wish they’d shorten the name to make it more marketable; it’s the good old Paint Shop from JASC updated for today’s needs) offers easy automatic photo fixes and precision editing tools. It also has a built-in Learning Center to help you get started, making it the easiest way to get professional-looking photos – fast! Read up on PopPhoto’s review here.
Does it secretly phone home to deliver data – without your permission – from your computer to some misleading address like I sure hope not!