The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has launched a photography competition for young people only. The contest is open to youngsters 18 years old and below and is part of a new BBC season called Generation Next.
Addressing young people everywhere, the BBC said “we want to see your pictures of how you spend your leisure time: sport, music, you name it, just grab your camera and take a snap.â€
The photo contest has two sets of prizes. One set for anyone below 14 years of age and another for 14 to 18 years old as of November 30, 2006, which is also the deadline for submission of entries.
The BBC said “after the closing date, the 12 best pictures from each age group will be selected by our picture desk and displayed in a picture gallery on the BBC News website in early December. Readers will then have 48 hours in which to vote for their favorite.â€
The two top winners in both age groups will each get a Nikon D50 digital SLR camera while the second placers will win a Nikon S9 Coolpix camera.
For details, visit the BBC News.
[Photo courtesy of the BBC and Magnum Photos]