CMOS image sensor Aptina has launched the MT9F001, a high-performance 14-megapixel image sensor. The new sensor, Aptina says, incorporates the company’s most advanced 1.4-micron pixel using A-Pix technology and a four-lane HiSPi (High Speed Serial Pixel Interface) serial data interface to achieve the combination of still image quality and video performance that set it apart from CCD technology.
The MT9F001 promises high resolution, high speed snapshot and HD video modes and flexible interface and pre-processing options.
“We are impressed by the performance advancement the MT9F001 sensor represents, both in terms of image quality and in high definition video capability,†said Toshinobu Haruki, General Manager in the DI Division at SANYO, a leading supplier of hybrid cameras that couple high resolution still capture with high quality video capture. “Aptina is clearly focused on continuous improvement to meet the severe demands of the consumer digital camera market,†adds Haruki.
[Site: Aptina]